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Want Healthy Glowing Skin? Then Try These 5 Amazing Drinks

5 Amazing Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin Do you have healthy and glowing skin ? Do you want to achieve healthy and glowing skin? Then include these morning drinks in your daily routine and see the difference in no time. These pre-breakfast beverages will make your skin soft and shiny even before you leave the house! Here Are The Top 5 Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin 1. Coconut Water Coconut water is known as “nature’s purest liquid,” and its benefits are countless. Coconut water is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, and phosphorus which are essential for skin health. Drinking it regularly helps hydrate your body and contributes to healthy and glowing skin. You can even apply some coconut water onto your face and neck and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Do this twice every day to get clear and glowing skin. The vitamins and minerals present in coconut water maintain the elasticity of your skin, fight wrinkles, reduce c

Top 10 Citrus Fruits That Are Super Nutritious

Top 10 Citrus Fruits
Top 10 Citrus Fruits   

Citrus fruits are a great summer snack. With antioxidant properties, vitamin C, fiber, and more, citrus fruits are a vitaminbox full of health benefits. Not only do they contain a lot of antioxidants, but also the fruit is good for healthy teeth and gums. Let's see the top 10 citrus fruits you could make into a juice or just enjoy.

Table Of Contents

The Top 10 Citrus Fruits

1. Grapefruits


Grapefruits are one of the best sources of vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant. Grapefruit juice is also rich in potassium and vitamin A, which are important for healthy organs. When you eat grapefruits, you can also benefit from the flavonoids it contains, which can help prevent cancer.

2. Lemons


Although lemons provide many vitamins and minerals, they're best known for their high vitamin C content. Lemon juice is also a good source of potassium and folate. Lemons contain flavonoids that are thought to help keep your immune system strong and fight cancer-causing free radicals in your body. Lemon juice is often used as a meat tenderizer because the citric acid breaks down proteins in meat fibers making them softer. Frozen lemons, which are perfect for all those lemon lovers out there because most of the antioxidants in lemons are in the pith or peel and not in the pulp.

3. Oranges


Oranges are rich in potassium and vitamin C, making them a great choice for boosting your immune system. Oranges also contain a range of flavonoids that may help prevent cancer and chronic diseases such as heart disease. The rinds of oranges are especially good for you because they contain d-limonene, a compound that has been shown to fight cancerous tumors. Not only do they taste great, but oranges offer a wealth of beauty and hair benefits, as well. Even the Orange Peels provide nearly four times the health benefits of the orange fruit we consume, which may surprise you.

4. Pomelos 


Pomelos are the largest citrus fruits. They can weigh anywhere from 1-7lbs, with the average fruit weighing in at about 3lbs. Pomelos are also known as pummelos or Chinese grapefruits. Pomelo is a cross between a grapefruit and an orange, and it has the largest size of all citrus fruits. It has a thick peel and pale, white or pink flesh. It's an excellent source of vitamin C, as well as calcium and potassium, while at the same time being low in calories. The whole fruit can be eaten or blended into smoothies.

5. Tangerines


Tangerines are also known as mandarin oranges and are a type of citrus fruit with a loose peel that can be easily separated from the flesh by hand. Its flavor is sweeter than other citrus fruits like oranges, limes or lemons, making it more kid-friendly than others. Tangerines are high in vitamin C and dietary fiber, which can help prevent constipation, heart disease and promote healthy digestion.

6. Blood Orange

Top-10-Citrus-Fruits-Blood Orange

Blood oranges have dark red flesh that contrasts with their light orange skin. Their flavor ranges from sweet to bitter, and some varieties are tarter than others. Blood oranges are rich in flavonoids, carotenoids and vitamins C and A, as well as antioxidants that may help prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease.

7. Sudachi


Sudachis are small green citrus fruits that resemble round limes. They have a distinctively sour taste — a characteristic for which they are prized in Japan. Sudachi juice can be used in Asian cuisine, but it is most commonly made into marmalade or a type of vinegar called sudachi ponzu. They are also packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals like magnesium and potassium.

8. Yuzu


These tart Japanese lemons are used primarily as a seasoning their sour juice is turned into a condiment or added to soups and fish dishes, but their health benefits are notable too. Yuzu is rich in limonene, an antioxidant that's been linked to cancer prevention, and they're also packed with vitamin C.

9. Kumquat


This sweet-tart citrus fruit is eaten whole peel included, because the peel is so flavorful and aromatic. Kumquats have all the same health benefits as other citrus fruits, but they're especially good for your skin because of their high levels of collagen-boosting vitamin C. Collagen also helps in strengthening your bones.

10. Lime


Limes are one of the most common citrus fruits in the world. They come in different varieties, including Persian limes, Key limes and Kaffir limes. They are a good source of vitamin C, fiber and various beneficial plant compounds. They are small green citrus fruits that contain numerous seeds and are packed with nutrients.

The Powerful Health Benefits Of Citrus Fruits

There’s no doubt that citrus fruits are some of the most versatile and delicious fruits around. The sweet and sour taste of orange, grapefruit, lemon, and other citrus fruits can complement so many different dishes and drinks.

Their sweet-tart flavor is not the only reason you should consider eating more of them. Citrus fruits are also super healthy and contain a range of important vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants that offer a variety of health benefits like

weight loss, reduce nausea, lower the risk of cancer, treat constipation , prevent kidney stones, improve skin quality and prevent diabetes.

1. Boost Your Brain Health

The vitamin C in citrus fruits may help boost brain function, especially memory and thinking skills. A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that older adults who had higher intakes of vitamin C-rich foods (like oranges) had a lower risk of developing cognitive impairment, as well as better thinking skills compared to those with lower intakes.

2. Helps To Lose Weight

Citrus fruits are in the first position when considering a weight loss diet. Oranges are naturally low in calories but rich in water, which can make them a great addition to any weight loss diet. A study conducted at Florida State University found that people who ate half a grapefruit before meals lost more weight than those who didn’t eat grapefruit. Eating citrus fruits before eating also helps to give your digestive system a kick start and helps you feel full faster.

3. Lowers The Risk Of Kidney Stones

Citrus fruits are high in citrate, which is the key ingredient in medication that treats kidney stones. The body naturally produces citrate to help prevent kidney stones, so adding more through your diet may be beneficial.

4. Lowers The Risk Of Digestive Cancers

Studies have shown that people who eat citrus fruits regularly have a lower risk of developing stomach cancer than those who do not eat citrus fruit. The exact reason for this is not yet known but it may be because fruit contains fiber which helps to protect against cancer. Another possibility is that vitamin C helps to prevent cancer by preventing cell damage caused by free radicals in the body.

5. Improves Cardiovascular Health

The flavonoids in citrus fruits strengthen blood vessels and reduce inflammation in your arteries. These compounds are associated with lower rates of high blood pressure and heart disease, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Lemons and limes contain hesperidin, which is linked to a reduction in LDL cholesterol levels and reduction in vascular damage by free radicals.

6. Increases Iron Absorption

Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron from plant sources, such as spinach into your body. A glass of orange juice or grapefruit juice with a meal containing iron can increase your absorption rate from 10 percent to more than 80 percent.

7. Helps To Stay Hydrated

They help you stay hydrated. Citrus fruits have a high water content and are made up of almost 90 percent water. This makes them a great addition to your diet if you have a hard time getting enough water each day. They also contain electrolytes like potassium, which promotes fluid balance in the body.

8. Supports The Immune System

Citrus fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C, an important nutrient that plays a role in wound healing and immunity. Vitamin C helps keep your skin healthy and may also help protect against immune system deficiencies and cardiovascular disease.

9. Fight Wrinkles

The antioxidant properties of vitamin C may help fight wrinkles by preventing damage from free radicals, which cause signs of aging.

10. Help You De-Bloat

Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit and lemon are natural diuretics that can help combat bloating and water retention.

Take Away

As you can see, citrus fruits have a number of positive qualities which make them well worth including in your diet. They are chock-full of vitamins and minerals, help protect us from disease, and offer many other benefits. So, the next time you find yourself in the grocery store or fruit market, perhaps you should pick up one or a few of these beauties. Or better yet, grow them yourself! They're fairly easy to grow as patio plants or inside your home provided enough sunlight. We will see in-depth about all the citrus fruits individually in the upcoming posts.


1. What citrus fruit has the most vitamin c?

Oranges have the highest vitamin C (ascorbic acid) concentration among citrus fruits, with roughly 70 mg of vitamin C in a single medium-sized orange.

2. Why do citrus fruits conduct electricity?

Citrus fruits conduct electricity due to the acid and water content. The atoms of a metal give up electrons when they come into touch with acid. The water content in citrus fruits, in turn, permits electrons to move freely and conduct electricity.

3. How to freeze citrus fruits?

When it comes to freezing citrus fruits, there are a variety of methods to choose from. You can either leave them whole and unpeeled or peel them and slice them. Put the fruits in a freezer-safe jar and fill it halfway with water if you want to wet pack them. Make sure there's approximately an inch of space on top of the jar to prevent it from breaking as the water swells after freezing. You may also dry pack them by setting them out on a baking sheet lined tray. Simply place the frozen fruits in a zip lock bag for convenient storing.



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