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Want Healthy Glowing Skin? Then Try These 5 Amazing Drinks

5 Amazing Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin Do you have healthy and glowing skin ? Do you want to achieve healthy and glowing skin? Then include these morning drinks in your daily routine and see the difference in no time. These pre-breakfast beverages will make your skin soft and shiny even before you leave the house! Here Are The Top 5 Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin 1. Coconut Water Coconut water is known as “nature’s purest liquid,” and its benefits are countless. Coconut water is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, and phosphorus which are essential for skin health. Drinking it regularly helps hydrate your body and contributes to healthy and glowing skin. You can even apply some coconut water onto your face and neck and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Do this twice every day to get clear and glowing skin. The vitamins and minerals present in coconut water maintain the elasticity of your skin, fight wrinkles, reduce c

This Is Why Freezing Lemon Is Genius !

This Is Why Freezing Lemon Is Genius !
This Is Why Freezing Lemon Is Genius !

As we all know, lemons are full of healthy benefits. Our lives would be lost without the fresh smell in our kitchens, and eye-opening taste in our drinks. But sometimes, lemons can be difficult to use. Many folks use lemon juice for numerous things throughout their day, like a key ingredient in their favorite curries to cleaning their faucets with lemon oil. If only there was a way to make our lemons more easily usable...  

Today, I'll discuss with you a less known way to consume lemons. I'm talking about frozen lemons, which are perfect for all those lemon lovers out there, including me. Let's dig into this article and discuss what advantages frozen lemons can bring to you!

Table Of Contents

Why Freeze Lemons?

The greatest way to enjoy all of the healthy benefits of lemons is to consume them frozen.

Most of the antioxidants in lemons are in the pith or peel and not in the pulp. The peels of lemons are filled with flavonoids and limonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that protect your body from free radicals. According to a study published in Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, when laboratory rats were given extracts of lemon peels, they experienced an increase in their levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), a potent antioxidant enzyme.

Lemon peels also contain Vitamin C, biotin and caffeic acid, which is a natural anti-microbial agent.

When you are juicing lemons for your smoothies, make sure that you include the outer rinds with the rest of the fruit because they contain most of the powerful antioxidants. Or better still if you have a juicer with a built-in pulp collector, use it to get every last bit of goodness out of your lemons.

How To Freeze Lemons?

The easiest way to make freeze-dried lemons is to simply freeze them. Set the lemons on a cookie sheet or plate, and put it in your freezer. Once they are frozen solid, you can move them to a freezer bag and keep them frozen until you're ready to use them. It's also possible to dry out lemons at room temperature, but this process may take longer than freezing them.

To Freeze Sliced Lemon Follow The Steps Below,

·   Wash lemon thoroughly under cold running water and pat dry with a paper towel.

·   Cut lemon into slices about 1/4-inch thick; remove seeds if desired

·   Place in airtight plastic freezer container or resealable plastic freezer bag and freeze until ready to use. Frozen lemon slices will stay fresh for up to eight months in the freezer.

·   When ready to use frozen lemon slices, thaw them in the refrigerator overnight before using. Lemon juice may separate from the pulp while freezing; stir before using.

Uses Of Frozen Lemons

Citrus fruit is one of the most versatile foods in the world, and it can be put to use in almost any type of recipe, from baking deserts to marinades for meat. One of the first steps in creating any citrus-based dish is to freeze your lemon as soon as you get it home from the grocery store. Lemon juice has a short shelf life and will quickly lose its flavor if not preserved properly. Freezing lemons is an effective way to keep your lemon juice from spoiling before you have time to use it. If you freeze lemons, you will have access to fresh lemon juice at all times without having to run out and buy a new one each time you need it.

Freeze lemons to make them last longer. Lemons are a great and inexpensive way to add zest to your recipes and help you avoid paying for the more expensive bottled lemon juice. Toss a few lemons into the freezer, and then grate the frozen fruit as needed. By freezing your lemons, you will lengthen their shelf life and prevent them from going bad before you have a chance to use them.

You can can grate the frozen lemons and keep in a separate container; spoonfuls can be added to recipes.

The texture of the frozen lemon rinds is very similar to fresh, so it can be used as a substitute in most recipes. The frozen lemon rinds also taste just as sweet as fresh ones, so they can be used in any recipe that calls for fresh lemon juice or zest, such as salad dressings, soups, yoghurt, spaghetti sauces, dips, marinades or baked goods and even homemade ice cream.

Frozen lemons are a lemony treat that can be used to create a variety of dishes. They are easy to make and take up very little room in the freezer, making them great for cooks who like to be prepared.

Freeze-dried lemons are a popular addition to smoothies, juice, and tea. They can also be used in cooking and baking, where their zesty flavor can be released by adding hot water. Those who wish to use lemons in their cooking or baking without having to take out the seeds can use freeze-dried lemons, which have had the seeds removed and then dried.

Freeze lemons to remove odors in your refrigerator and freezer. Lemons have a high concentration of limonene, a compound that is derived from citrus oil. The limonene content of the fruit reacts with other organic compounds in the air causing them to bind together and fall out of the air. This process is known as deodorization. The reaction reduces the concentration of odor-causing organic compounds and can eliminate those smells altogether. The acidity of the lemon juice also helps deodorize because it promotes the oxidation of these organic compounds without having to heat up your kitchen by using an oven or stove.

The freeze-drying process is used on many types of fruit, and it is important to note that this procedure does not remove all of the water from the fruit. Freeze-dried fruits are left with at least 20 percent of their pre-freeze weight remaining within them. This means that they will tend to suck up moisture if they are stored in areas where it is humid, resulting in their becoming soggy and even moldy. Freeze drying fruit preserves its nutrients as well as killing bacteria, which makes it good for nutritive needs during long trips.

Take Away

So, to make a long story short, frozen lemons are going to be a fresh and healthy addition to anyone’s kitchen. Put them in smoothies, add them to water for easy drinking, and prepare salads with them! Frozen lemons have countless different uses, but all of them include the freshest and tastiest lemon flavor you could ever have.

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