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Want Healthy Glowing Skin? Then Try These 5 Amazing Drinks

5 Amazing Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin Do you have healthy and glowing skin ? Do you want to achieve healthy and glowing skin? Then include these morning drinks in your daily routine and see the difference in no time. These pre-breakfast beverages will make your skin soft and shiny even before you leave the house! Here Are The Top 5 Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin 1. Coconut Water Coconut water is known as “nature’s purest liquid,” and its benefits are countless. Coconut water is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, and phosphorus which are essential for skin health. Drinking it regularly helps hydrate your body and contributes to healthy and glowing skin. You can even apply some coconut water onto your face and neck and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Do this twice every day to get clear and glowing skin. The vitamins and minerals present in coconut water maintain the elasticity of your skin, fight wrinkles, reduce c

The Top 10 Benefits Of Eating Oranges Everyday

Benefits Of Eating Oranges Everyday
Benefits Of Eating Oranges Everyday

Most people know that oranges are a great source of vitamin C, but did you know they also have many other benefits? There are many orange health benefits to reap from oranges, including protecting your cells from free radical damage and strengthening your immune system. In addition to protecting your body, orange health benefits also include lowering your risk of heart disease and preventing asthma. Unlike some fruits, oranges have very few calories so it is easy to eat as much as you want without worrying about weight gain. Be sure to eat the orange when it is not fully ripe to take full advantage of orange health benefits. The next time you find yourself craving a juicy piece of fruit, reach for an orange instead!

Table Of Contents

The Top 10 Benefits Of Eating Oranges Everyday

1. Boost Immune System: 

Just one orange has more than 100% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin C, which is essential for a healthy immune system. Vitamin C strengthens your body's ability to fight off infection and protects your cells from free radical damage.

2. Prevents Heart Disease: 

The orange health benefits do not stop there! The orange fruit also contains pectin, which helps prevent LDL cholesterol from blocking the arteries. This lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. It is important to note that you should not rely on oranges alone as a preventative measure for heart health; be sure to exercise and eat a balanced diet in addition to oranges to stay healthy!

3. Prevents Asthma: 

One orange contains 60 mg of magnesium, which is a mineral that helps prevent asthma. Although it might sound strange, some studies have shown that people who suffer from asthma are deficient in magnesium. Magnesium also relaxes the muscles in your lungs to make it easier to breathe when you are experiencing an attack.

4. Boosts Good Cholesterol: 

The orange health benefits do not stop there! The orange fruit also contains flavonoids, which help increase 'good' (HDL) cholesterol levels in the body. HDL cholesterol helps carry the bad cholesterol away from your arteries so it does not block them and cause heart disease or stroke.

5. Prevents Cancer: 

As mentioned above, orange health benefits include orange benefits for skin protection. This is because orange fruits are rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that reduces free radical damage to cells and lowers your risk of developing certain types of cancer including prostate cancer and cervical cancer. Orange health benefits have even been shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer for smokers by more than 20%!

6. Helps You Lose Weight: 

A medium orange weighs just over 100 g, yet only contains 70 calories. As oranges are very low in calories it is great for helping people lose weight. By eating orange health benefits regularly while you are on a diet, you will feel full because the fruit is high in fiber while still allowing you to lose weight!

7. Treats Kidney Stones: 

Research has shown that orange fruits are one of the best orange health benefits for preventing kidney stones because they have an alkalizing effect on urine which prevents the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones. If you already suffer from kidney stones orange fruit can be used as a natural remedy by drinking orange juice or taking vitamin C supplements to prevent future occurrences.

8. Prevents Cataracts: 

Vitamin C is a powerful orange health benefit that helps prevent cataracts from forming by protecting the eye cells. The orange fruit also contains beta-carotene which converts to vitamin A in the body and prevents further free radical damage to the eyes, meaning your risk of developing cataracts later in life decreases.

9. Good For Teeth: 

Orange fruits have been shown in scientific studies to contain properties that fight plaque bacteria because they have antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities. As a result, orange fruits reduce your risk of developing cavities and gum disease when eaten regularly. They are even a natural remedy for bad breath!

10. Treats Scurvy: 

Scurvy is a condition caused by a lack of vitamin C in the body, which orange fruits are very rich in! In fact, oranges have more than any other fruit. As orange health benefits include orange benefits for skin protection, you only need to eat one orange a day with your main meal to treat and prevent scurvy.

In addition to these health benefits, oranges offer a wealth of beauty and hair benefits, as well.

Nutrition In Oranges

Here’s the nutritional breakdown for 1 orange (140 grams) 

  • Calories: 66

  • Water: 86% by weight

  • Protein: 1.3 grams

  • Carbs: 14.8 grams

  • Sugar: 12 grams

  • Fiber: 2.8 grams

  • Fat: 0.2 grams

  • Vitamin C: 92% of the Daily Value (DV)

  • Folate: 9% of the DV

  • Calcium: 5% of the DV

  • Potassium: 5% of the DV

Like most citrus fruits, oranges mainly comprise carbs and water, contain very little protein and fat, and are relatively low in calories.

Most orange varieties contain high amounts of vitamin C, but under-ripe oranges contain higher amounts of pectin and magnesium than ripe oranges do. If you are looking for orange health benefits, in particular, be sure to eat an orange when it is not fully ripe!

However, if you prefer sweetness over orange health benefits, opt for sweet orange varieties like navel oranges or Valencia oranges instead! These orange varieties have a much higher sugar content than most orange varieties, which makes them perfect for eating as a sweet treat.

Health Risks Of Oranges

It's possible to have too much of a good thing.

Though this is primarily true of supplements, taking too much vitamin C at once may provide your body with more fiber and sugar than it requires.

Watch out for nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, headache, and insomnia.

The acidity of oranges might aggravate the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

  • If you're on beta-blockers, eating too many oranges can raise your potassium levels, causing kidney damage.

  • High dosages of vitamin C can add more iron to your body and damage your tissues if you have hemochromatosis, a condition in which your body accumulates more iron than it needs.

  • Vitamin C may also help you absorb aluminum-containing drugs, such as phosphate binders, and boost your estrogen levels if you're on hormone replacement therapy. 

Take Away

There you have it - orange health benefits may surprise you! The orange fruit is very nutritious with many nutrients including fiber, vitamin A and C which when eaten regularly help fight certain diseases and conditions. Be sure to add orange fruits to your daily diet by eating at least one per day for good health.

In closing, eating an orange or drinking orange juice every day will help improve your health by providing needed vitamins and nutrients throughout the day.

If you're looking for a fruit with lots of benefits and little calories, oranges are a perfect choice. The next time you find yourself craving something sweet, try reaching for an orange instead! You'll be glad you did!

Do you know ? - Orange peels provide nearly four times the health benefits of the orange fruit we consume, which may surprise you. Orange peels are packed full of nutrients that can benefit your health in a variety of ways.



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