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Want Healthy Glowing Skin? Then Try These 5 Amazing Drinks

5 Amazing Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin Do you have healthy and glowing skin ? Do you want to achieve healthy and glowing skin? Then include these morning drinks in your daily routine and see the difference in no time. These pre-breakfast beverages will make your skin soft and shiny even before you leave the house! Here Are The Top 5 Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin 1. Coconut Water Coconut water is known as “nature’s purest liquid,” and its benefits are countless. Coconut water is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, and phosphorus which are essential for skin health. Drinking it regularly helps hydrate your body and contributes to healthy and glowing skin. You can even apply some coconut water onto your face and neck and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Do this twice every day to get clear and glowing skin. The vitamins and minerals present in coconut water maintain the elasticity of your skin, fight wrinkles, reduce c

20 Effective Beauty And Hair Benefits Of Oranges That You Ever Need To Know About

20 Effective Beauty And Hair Benefits Of Oranges That You Ever Need To Know About

20 Effective Beauty And Hair Benefits Of Oranges That You Ever Need To Know About

Oranges are one of the most popular fruits in the world. Not only do oranges taste great, offer many health benefits but they offer a wealth of beauty and hair benefits, as well. In this post, we'll take a look at some of the top benefits of oranges for beauty and hair. So if you're looking for a way to improve your appearance naturally, read on!

Table Of Contents

The Top 20 Effective Beauty And Hair Benefits Of Oranges

1. Fights Against Breakouts

Oranges are loaded with antioxidants like vitamin C, which help to fight against acne breakouts. Keep in mind that you'll get the best results if you eat oranges or drink orange juice, rather than applying orange peels directly to your skin.

2. Treats Sunburn

If you've ever had a bad sunburn—or just a bit too much fun in the sun during the warmer months—you know how badly it can sting and irritate your skin. Luckily, orange juice is an effective way to treat sunburns. Just mix together some fresh orange juice with water and ice cubes, and then apply the paste to the affected area for about 15 minutes.

3. Helps In Skin Lightening

You've probably heard of various home remedies for lightening your skin tone, but did you know that oranges are an excellent alternative? You can do it by mixing fresh orange juice with lemon juice and milk. Apply the paste to the affected area, let it sit for around 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

4. Helps With Dark Circles And Puffiness Under The Eyes

Vitamin C is also good for getting rid of dark circles, puffiness, and under-eye circles. Simply mix together the juice of half a lemon with 1 teaspoon of orange juice, then apply the mixture to your undereye area. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing it off with cool water.

5. Treatment Of Acne Scars

To lighten acne scars, mix together 2 teaspoons of orange juice with 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the paste to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing with cool water. Be sure to do this no more than once per week, as too much vitamin C may irritate your skin.

6. Provides A Glow

Another great way to use orange juice for beauty purposes is as a face mask or scrub. Just add 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of orange juice to a tablespoon of oatmeal, and mix well. Then apply the paste to your face and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing with cool water.

For the best results, we recommend using fresh oranges and fresh orange juice, rather than store-bought juice.

7. Helps In Treating Premature Aging Signs

Oranges are loaded with antioxidants, which help in the prevention of premature aging. To use oranges for this purpose, simply apply orange juice to your skin every day.

8. Helps In Removing Wrinkles

The antioxidants found in oranges help in fighting free radicals that are responsible for triggering wrinkles. You can prevent wrinkles by applying orange juice to your face every day.

9. Helps In Treating Oily Skin

Since oranges are naturally acidic, they help in balancing out the pH levels of your skin, which in turn helps with oily skin. For best results, try adding some orange juice to your normal face wash.

10. Helps In Removing Dark Spots

Since oranges are loaded with vitamin C, you can also use them to remove dark spots and other blemishes. Simply apply orange juice to your skin, leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

11. Moisturizes Your Skin

Since oranges are a natural source of vitamin C, they not only help prevent aging signs but can also moisturize your skin. You can try mixing orange juice with some aloe vera gel and applying it to your skin for moisturizing benefits.

12. Helps In Removing Warts

Warts are typically harmless, but they can be unsightly and annoying. Fortunately, orange peel is effective in removing warts since it contains a chemical called d-limonene that has the ability to penetrate your skin cells. To use this method, simply rub orange peel on the wart daily until you notice the wart starting to peel off. By doing so, you should be able to get rid of the wart in one week or less.

13. Promotes Hair Growth

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, which is a natural hair loss treatment. You can try adding orange juice to your shampoo to see if it helps with hair growth.

14. Prevents Hair Damage

Oranges are also effective in preventing hair damage caused by dyeing, bleaching, or heat styling your hair. Add orange juice to your shampoo to enjoy these benefits.

15. Helps With Dandruff

If you have an annoying case of dandruff that just won't seem to go away, you may find relief in orange juice. Just add a few drops of orange juice to your shampoo and try it out!

16. Helps With Grey Hair

If your hair is turning grey rapidly, you may want to start using some orange juice in your diet or as part of a home remedy for grey hair. Simply massage some orange juice into your hair, leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

17. Helps With Premature Greying

If you have been noticing a lot of grey hair when you aren't really old yet, add some oranges to your diet to see if this helps reverse the early signs of greying.

18. Gives You Bulkier Hair

If you have thin or fine hair that just won't seem to grow no matter how often you cut it, adding orange juice to your diet may help. It is a great source of vitamin C and potassium, which can help bulk up your hair and make it appear thicker.

19. Prevents Hair Loss

Oranges are also effective in preventing hair loss, which is a common problem that can be caused by numerous factors such as stress and illness. To use oranges for this purpose, simply add some orange juice to your shampoo and massage it into your scalp every day before rinsing with cool water.

20. Helps In Removing Oil And Dirt

If you don't have much time to wash your hair, try massaging orange juice into your scalp and leaving it on for a few minutes. Then, rinse with cool water for clean and refreshed hair.


While oranges offer numerous benefits for your skin and hair, there are also some precautions that you need to keep in mind while using them. For example, do not overdo it if you have overly sensitive skin since oranges can cause mild irritation. Also, if your hair is naturally oily, you may want to avoid adding orange juice to your shampoo since this can actually make it oilier than before.

Take Away

This post has covered a lot of great information on the benefits oranges offer for beauty and hair. If you're looking to improve your appearance without having to use any chemicals or other harmful products, then oranges are one way that can help!

So there you have it! 20 Effective Beauty And Hair Benefits Of Oranges.That You Ever Need To Know About that will surely help you out! Now it's time for you to go out there and enjoy some fresh fruit while also improving your looks!



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