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Want Healthy Glowing Skin? Then Try These 5 Amazing Drinks

5 Amazing Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin Do you have healthy and glowing skin ? Do you want to achieve healthy and glowing skin? Then include these morning drinks in your daily routine and see the difference in no time. These pre-breakfast beverages will make your skin soft and shiny even before you leave the house! Here Are The Top 5 Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin 1. Coconut Water Coconut water is known as “nature’s purest liquid,” and its benefits are countless. Coconut water is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, and phosphorus which are essential for skin health. Drinking it regularly helps hydrate your body and contributes to healthy and glowing skin. You can even apply some coconut water onto your face and neck and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Do this twice every day to get clear and glowing skin. The vitamins and minerals present in coconut water maintain the elasticity of your skin, fight wrinkles, reduce c

Home Remedies For Joint Pain In Winter

Home Remedies For Joint Pain In Winter
Home Remedies For Joint Pain In Winter

Easing joint pains during winter is almost a necessity, as the bitter freezing winds and rains make it difficult to partake in regular physical exercise. If you are suffering from joint pains this winter, then here are a few home remedies that can ease your pain and make you feel warmer.

Table Of Contents

Why Joint Pains Are Common In The Winter Season?

Winters are when one can feel the cold air or the change in weather causing dampness or water to settle. At these times, people tend to get joint pains. During winters, there is a drastic change in temperature and humidity. The normal day-to-day routine, if it involves too much vehicle riding might bring on joint pains as well. Also, with such changes in climatic conditions and temperatures, one might become too anxious and unbalanced which causes stress and strain on their body. The joints thus take a beating and this affects them more than usual and they start to ache towards the end of the day.

Tips For Winter Joint Pain Relief

1. Exercise

Many reasons are affecting the joints, especially during winters. It is very common to feel pain in the joints. But if you have a flexible body and muscles, then you can reduce pain by doing some exercises. This is one of the best exercises that you can do to eliminate joint pains. Flexibility plays a major role in reducing joint pain. If your body is not flexible enough, then there is a chance of you getting joint pain even without any reason. You must stretch your body for at least 20 minutes daily to be more flexible.

If your joints are aching due to the cold weather conditions and not due to any disease, then various simple exercises can help ease the pain. Such exercises are- stretching, swimming, massaging, hot water baths and walking in an open area, you can even try Infinity Walk which is now popularly known as "8-Walk".

2. Sunlight

The lack of sunlight in the winter months can cause many health problems, one of which is joint pain. Treating the symptoms of a stiff body with sunrays is one of the best methods to deal with this issue. Sunrays are used to heal various kinds of pains, and they are effective on stiff joints as well. Joints are used to getting vitamin D from the sun, so when it's not there it causes joint pain. The good news is that even on a cloudy day you can still get some vitamin D if you're outside for about 20 minutes. Vitamin D helps with a lot of things including your immune system, hair and skin health, and depression.

You don't have to take any medicine to get relief from this problem when you can use natural remedies like sunlight to get rid of joint pains.

3. Controlling Body-weight

Treating joints from outside can be painful. To prevent this, you should keep a check on your body weight. It is better to lose a bit of weight than to put up with the pain. Applying heat on aching joints can give relief, but if you have obesity then heat application will not help much, because fat insulates the joints more making it difficult for heat to penetrate within. Therefore, before putting up with any kind of pain associated with cold weather, you must try every means possible to reduce weight.

4. Drink Plenty Of Water

Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water every day. This will help in flushing out toxic substances from the body. Water is essential for removing bad cholesterol from the human body. The more water you consume, the less prone you will be to gain weight and less likely you will be to experience joint pains during winters.

5. Eat More Vegetables And Fruits

Have 4-5 servings of vegetables and fruits every day. Fruits like apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, etc. are rich in fiber content which aids digestion and keeps bowels clear from constipation problems. Vegetables like carrots, spinach, etc contain antioxidants that help boost immunity against infections and other ailments leading to joint pains during winters.

6. Wearing Warm Clothes

Trying to add layers of clothing to keep yourself warm can be counterproductive. It can cause your body to lose heat easily, leading to severe health issues. Wearing layers of clothes means you are trapping the moisture within your body inside them. That makes your skin even drier than before.

A better idea is to wear layers that allow the moisture to breathe and move in and out easily. It's all about balance: if you can maintain a balance between comfort and health, there will be no reason for joint pains this winter.

7. Keeping Joints Warm

The cooler the weather, the more important it becomes to keep joints warm for easing joint pains during winters.

Treating your joints with a heat wrap or heating pad can be very helpful in keeping them warm during the harsh winter months. Use a heat wrap or heating pad only when it is necessary and not just for fun. Using them too much could result in hyperthermia or dehydration.

8. Sip Hot Herbal Tea

Drinking hot herbal tea is one of the most natural ways to warm your body up in the cold season. There are various herbal teas that you can consume like ginger tea, mint tea, and chamomile tea, etc., which not only tastes good but also gives instant relief from pain and stiffness in joints.

9. Stay Active

If you're suffering from joint pains, you're going to want to avoid staying inactive as much as possible. This could mean taking on a part-time job or volunteering for events and other activities during weekends so that you don't have time for your joints to stiffen up. However, if your job requires you to be constantly active most of the time, then you won't find yourself suffering from joint pains too much. Avoid sitting down for long hours, even if it means standing while working or taking frequent breaks so that your body doesn't get stiffened.


Easing Joint Pains During Winters

Take Away

As the winter season is getting colder, there will be days when you are enjoying the warmth of your house, while there are others that you’d go out and do some work with. But it is during these times when you are having to move around and go out, that you feel a little stiff or sore in certain joints and muscles. And what do you do? Take some painkillers, right? You think it’s going to help you, as it is just a matter of time that the pain relievers would start taking effect on your body. Because pain killers have their side effects, so why not treat them the natural way? So try these home remedies for Joint Pain in winter!


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