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Want Healthy Glowing Skin? Then Try These 5 Amazing Drinks

5 Amazing Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin Do you have healthy and glowing skin ? Do you want to achieve healthy and glowing skin? Then include these morning drinks in your daily routine and see the difference in no time. These pre-breakfast beverages will make your skin soft and shiny even before you leave the house! Here Are The Top 5 Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin 1. Coconut Water Coconut water is known as “nature’s purest liquid,” and its benefits are countless. Coconut water is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, and phosphorus which are essential for skin health. Drinking it regularly helps hydrate your body and contributes to healthy and glowing skin. You can even apply some coconut water onto your face and neck and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Do this twice every day to get clear and glowing skin. The vitamins and minerals present in coconut water maintain the elasticity of your skin, fight wrinkles, reduce c

Best Herbal Teas For Good Health

Best Herbal Teas For Good Health
Best Herbal Teas For Good Health  
Simple home remedies using spices, herbs, and seeds can help us cure health ailments, get us some comfort and ease our pain. Let's find out today. Of your common health conditions, there are all of us may face, on a day-to-day basis include their basic ones, like constipation, acidity, gas, or bloating. And also the most serious ones, which involves a shift in the major parameters of our body which include your insulin resistance, PCOD, PCOS, diabetes, thyroid, etc.
Now let’s dive into the “Best Herbal Teas For Good Health”. These herbs, spices, and seeds are very potent, hence can't be consumed every single day. You can consume these for a maximum of 21 days, and then you discontinue these or consume them occasionally, only when your symptoms reoccur. The reason that we don't recommend these to be part of your daily food, is because these are not foods, these are medicines, and they should be used as medicines and not daily food items
 Table Of Contents

1. Saffron And Cinnamon

The first remedy is for insulin resistance, PCOD, PCOS, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), diabetes, and menstrual cramps. For all of these conditions, the two super-powerful ingredients are Saffron and Cinnamon. Cinnamon also been effective to stop excessive bleeding associated with uterine fibroids and endometriosis. Take 3 to 4 strands of Saffron, add to a little water in the night, and consume it in the morning with the soaking liquid. We can also whip up an herbal concoction of the same, by adding the water and the strands to a little warm water. Now put the cinnamon in the herbal concoction itself, just like it is. Cinnamon has properties that help increase the insulin sensitivity of the body, and Saffron has a cooling property, which helps with menstrual disorders. For anyone suffering from diabetes, the most common treatment is fenugreek seeds. All we're going to do with this is soak 1 tsp of fenugreek seeds in water at the night and consume this in the morning with the soaking liquid. And these are very beneficial because they help improve, the overall tolerance of glucose in our body. 

2. Ginger, Cloves, Black Pepper, Basil, And Curry Leaves

The next remedy is for cold, cough, flu, or infections. The ingredients we are going to use here are ginger, cloves, black peppercorns which we make a powder, some fresh tulsi leaves also called basil, and then the last leave is the curry leaves. Now take all of these 5 ingredients, add it to a pot, reduce it to half and make a concoction to make it more potent, like the herbal tea that we discussed before. These add lots of antioxidants to our body, help our body by upping immunity, and help us fight infections in a very effective way. 

3. Turmeric And Black Pepper 

Here we are going to use turmeric and black pepper for treating acidity or inflammation. Boil these two ingredients in water and reduce it to half, and make an herbal concoction. Some people do not like this in warm water, so you can also add it and dilute it with an equal amount of water, and consume it just like a shot. Always remember that turmeric has a compound called "Curcumin" in it. The bioavailability of this is increased by adding black pepper. So if you add just the turmeric it is going to be useless for your body. The availability and absorption of all of this are increased, by adding a good source of fat, you can use ghee or coconut oil, either of these two. Whether you're making just a concoction or you're making the herbal tea, the best combination is the one that involves, all of these 3 in it. 
Best Herbal Teas For Good Health

4. Ajwain, Fennel Seeds, Coriander Seeds, And Cumin Seeds

We all suffer from gas, flatulence, and bloating, a reason for this is also a sedentary lifestyle and the fast-paced life that we all live. The age-old remedy for this and the one that always works is this. It is made of 4 ingredients, ajwain, fennel seeds, coriander seeds, and cumin seeds. Soak all the above four ingredients overnight. If you do not soak these overnight and use them directly in the morning, this doesn't work. Soak them overnight to get the anti-bloating action, then reduce it to half the next morning by adding it to the flame. Now filter the water and drink it. All of these 4 ingredients not only have amazing anti-bloating properties but also help improve a weekend digestive system. 

5. Chamomile And Nutmeg

Our next remedy is for sleep disorders, disturbed sleep, anxiety, or stress. And the one thing that always works is chamomile. Always ensure that you're using the freshly dried flowers of chamomile, The next thing is nutmeg, remember to use just a pinch of this. Both of these help you relax and switch your brain before you sleep, so that just calms you down and provides lots of relief, from stress and anxiety too. 

6. Coconut Oil 

Our next remedy is for thyroid, hormonal imbalance, or a metabolism-related disorder and we are going to use coconut oil. Add a tsp of coconut oil to your herbal tea in the morning. The actual magic comes from the medium-chain fatty acid, which helps up the metabolism, and errands weight loss. Just ensure that the coconut oil that you're using, should be cold-pressed and also organically sourced. 

7. Peppermint

And the last remedy is for all of us who feel a little tired in the evening, when mental fatigue or physical tiredness kicks in or having a little dip in energy, post your lunchtime. This is also for all of us who want to start our day in the morning, with a kick start, but not use caffeine as a substitute for that. So this magic ingredient is the so-called Peppermint. It also helps us get fresh breath and increase our alertness, without the use of a stimulant like caffeine. Peppermint can also be used as a tea after your meal. So as a post-meal digestive, this works wonders. 
Whether you’re a tea lover or not, don’t be afraid to give these best herbal teas for good health a try.
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