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Want Healthy Glowing Skin? Then Try These 5 Amazing Drinks

5 Amazing Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin Do you have healthy and glowing skin ? Do you want to achieve healthy and glowing skin? Then include these morning drinks in your daily routine and see the difference in no time. These pre-breakfast beverages will make your skin soft and shiny even before you leave the house! Here Are The Top 5 Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin 1. Coconut Water Coconut water is known as “nature’s purest liquid,” and its benefits are countless. Coconut water is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, and phosphorus which are essential for skin health. Drinking it regularly helps hydrate your body and contributes to healthy and glowing skin. You can even apply some coconut water onto your face and neck and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Do this twice every day to get clear and glowing skin. The vitamins and minerals present in coconut water maintain the elasticity of your skin, fight wrinkles, reduce c

How To Do The Famous 10-Step Korean Skin Care Routine At Home?

Korean Skin Care Routine At Home

When it comes to a Korean skin care routine, one word should be on your mind: simplicity. The Korean skincare philosophy is all about achieving healthy skin without all the unnecessary hassle.

The Korean skincare routine is comprised of 10 steps that women often do in the evening before bed. You can do them too, even if you have a busy schedule. Let's take a look at the Korean skincare routine and what it can do for your skin.

Welcome to the Korean skincare routine that has taken over the world. If you’re not familiar, the 10-step Korean skincare routine is more than a regimen—it’s a lifestyle that has turned into a global phenomenon, grounded in the belief that skin health is vital to overall health and beauty.

10-Step Korean Skin Care Routine

Step 1 - Oil-Based Cleanser

Korean Skin Care Routine At Home

The first step of this 10-step Korean skin care routine is an oil cleanser. Oil cleansers are great for removing makeup and other impurities from your skin, including stubborn waterproof makeup and SPF. They work by dissolving the dirt and oil on your skin without stripping it of its natural moisture, leaving you with clean, soft skin.

Step 2 - Water-Based Cleanser

Korean Skin Care Routine At Home

A water-based cleanser is used next because it helps to fully rid your skin of any remaining impurities that the oil cleanser missed. The best water-based cleansers come in gel or foam form and have low pH levels so as not to dry out your skin. Avoid washing your face with hot water which is actually one of the worst things you can do to your face.

Step 3 - Exfoliant

Korean Skin Care Routine At Home

Exfoliating your skin 2-3 times a week is a must for Korean women. By exfoliating, you are removing dead skin cells and allowing new ones to regenerate in their place. This not only improves the look of your skin but also helps your skincare products penetrate better into your skin, helping them work more effectively. Korean beauty experts recommend chemical exfoliators over physical ones because they are less abrasive on the skin. However, if you do choose to use a physical exfoliator, we recommend using one with soft beads that won't cause micro-tears on your skin as apricot scrubs do.

A quick tip: if you're a bit too excited to get started and over-exfoliate your face, try applying a thick layer of honey to your face and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing. Honey is incredibly soothing, so it'll help restore the pH balance of your skin and reduce redness.

Step 4 - Toner

Toner is a very important step in your skincare routine. It helps to re-balance and restore your skin's pH after cleansing. The right toner can also help to hydrate, nourish, and refine your skin.

Apply toner to your face, preferably with a cotton pad. Start from the center of your face, move outward and upward so you cover all areas on your face. If it contains alcohol, use it only on the T-zone of your face.

Step 5 - Essence

This is a really exciting step in the Korean skincare regime. The new thing in town is Essence and there are a lot of misconceptions surrounding it. What is Essence? Essence is like a light serum that you apply before moisturizer. It will help your moisturizer penetrate your skin better and enhance the benefits of your moisturizer thereby making it work much better on your skin.

There are different types of essences available in the market but the most common one is an essence made from fermented yeast extract that can help with anti-aging by giving your skin an instant boost of hydration making it look more radiant and youthful immediately after use while also protecting your skin from harmful UV rays. Essences are supposed to have active ingredients that can help with skin problems like acne, dark spots, fine lines, wrinkles, etc. but they are not as strong as serums and shouldn't be used as a substitute for serums.

Step 6 - Serum

Korean Skin Care Routine At Home

The secret weapon of the Korean beauty routine is to use a targeted serum or booster (called ampoules here). These concentrated doses of active ingredients are precisely tailored to address your main concerns: if you have dull skin, anti-aging concerns, acne, and so forth. As for the application, we recommend using them after toner and before moisturizer. Step 4 should treat your skin and make it plump and ready for these active ingredients, which will penetrate deeply into the epidermis and bring visible results after 2 or 3 weeks of use.

Step 7- Sheet Mask

Korean Skin Care Routine At Home

This is a Korean beauty staple and there are so many different kinds on the market. They’re great because they’re gentle on your skin, they’re packed with nutrients, and they’re super easy to use. There are also different ones for different types of skin. You can find sheet masks that exfoliate, brighten, hydrate, and even purify your skin.

Once you do this step, you should see an instant change in your skin. If you have dull skin, it will look brighter; if you have dry skin, it will look more hydrated and plump; if you have oily skin, it will look more radiant and fresh.

Step 8 - Eye Cream

Korean Skin Care Routine At Home

The skin around your eyes is extra sensitive and prone to fine lines, wrinkles and puffiness. Using a moisturizing eye cream can help protect this area. If you’re concerned about dark circles or puffiness, look for an eye cream that contains caffeine. Caffeine helps constrict blood vessels, which can reduce the appearance of dark circles.

Step 9 - Moisturizer

Korean Skin Care Routine At Home

Now it’s time to lock in all the moisture you worked so hard to build up! There are lots of moisturizers out there, but if you have acne-prone skin, your best bet is a lightweight gel moisturizer. Gel moisturizers contain more water than creams, and won’t clog pores or leave your skin feeling greasy. Use your fingertips to apply moisturizer using circular motions until it is completely absorbed by your skin.

Step 10 - Sunscreen

Korean Skin Care Routine At Home

To protect your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays, it is important to apply sunscreen before going outdoors. Even when it is cloudy outside, 80% of the sun's UV rays can penetrate through the clouds. The amount of time that it takes for your skin to burn depends on your skin type, the time of day and year, and the strength of the sun's UV rays. Sunburns can take up to 12 hours before they appear.

It is important to also make sure that you are protecting other areas besides just your face. Many people forget about their ears, necks, and lips when applying sunscreen. Remember to choose a lip balm with SPF 15 or higher for protection for your lips as well.

Sunscreen does not need to be expensive to be effective. You must use a sunscreen that has broad-spectrum protection and an SPF of at least 30.

Take Away

In today's article, we’ll be showing you an easy routine to do daily to get clear and radiant skin. The routine isn’t complicated or expensive, and most of the products are available at your local drug store or supermarket. The best part is that this routine will only take ten minutes a day—not even close to a full hour. The Korean skincare routine at home will make your face look better than ever, so let’s get started!



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