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Want Healthy Glowing Skin? Then Try These 5 Amazing Drinks

5 Amazing Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin Do you have healthy and glowing skin ? Do you want to achieve healthy and glowing skin? Then include these morning drinks in your daily routine and see the difference in no time. These pre-breakfast beverages will make your skin soft and shiny even before you leave the house! Here Are The Top 5 Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin 1. Coconut Water Coconut water is known as “nature’s purest liquid,” and its benefits are countless. Coconut water is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, and phosphorus which are essential for skin health. Drinking it regularly helps hydrate your body and contributes to healthy and glowing skin. You can even apply some coconut water onto your face and neck and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Do this twice every day to get clear and glowing skin. The vitamins and minerals present in coconut water maintain the elasticity of your skin, fight wrinkles, reduce c

Fruits Not To Eat During Pregnancy

Fruits Not To Eat During Pregnancy
Fruits Not To Eat During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful experience and every woman wishes to have a happy and safe pregnancy and childbirth. Foods are a very important part of her daily life.

If you've decided to keep a healthy diet while expecting, you probably don't want to fill up on junk food. Certain fruits are not advisable to eat during pregnancy and let us discuss them in this article.

Here is the list of Fruits Not To Eat During Pregnancy

1. Pineapple

Pineapple ranks high on the list of fruits to avoid in the first trimester of pregnancy. This tropical fruit is a rich source of vitamin C, manganese, copper, thiamine, and B-complex vitamins. It is also high in fiber and water content, which eases digestion.

Pineapple has high levels of bromelain, which is an enzyme that softens the cervix and triggers contractions. It can also trigger an early miscarriage.

Pregnant women can eat pineapple only after the second trimester. They should eat no more than one cup or 200 gm of pineapple per day during the second and third trimesters.

Pregnant women are advised to stay away from foods that are potentially harmful to the unborn baby. There are some fruits, however, that are not only safe for pregnant women to eat but can be very beneficial to the developing fetus.

2. Raw Papaya

Raw papaya is another food that should be avoided during pregnancy as it contains latex which can induce uterine contractions. Papaya also has an enzyme called papain which works like bromelain and can trigger uterine contractions. Raw or unripe papaya should be completely avoided during pregnancy but ripe papaya is considered safe and healthy in moderation.

3. Tamarind

Tamarind should be avoided during pregnancy. Because tamarind has a significant level of Vitamin C, it might decrease the formation of progesterone in your body if ingested in excess. 

This hormone is responsible for maintaining the pregnancy and its reduction can lead to miscarriages. In addition to this, the presence of high amounts of vitamin C in tamarind can also cause adverse effects on the fetus.

4. Watermelons

Watermelons are one of the best and most refreshing fruits in summer. It is packed with vitamins and minerals that are extremely beneficial for your health. But while it is a nutritious fruit, it is not safe to eat during pregnancy as it can cause miscarriage and lead to other complications such as early labor. Watermelons are high in water, which keeps the body hydrated. It also removes toxic chemicals from the body, but the infant is exposed to these toxins while doing so, which is dangerous to the newborn. 

5. Bananas

You may be shocked to learn that this common fruit is on the list of fruits to avoid while pregnant. Bananas are generally regarded as safe to eat during pregnancy, however, they should be avoided in some situations. 

Bananas are not recommended for women who have allergies or who have diabetes or gestational diabetes. Chitinase, a latex-like protein found in bananas, is a known allergy. It also raises body temperature. Bananas should not be consumed by women who are allergic to chitinase.

Bananas also contain a significant quantity of sugar, therefore diabetics should avoid them at all costs.

Take Away

Since babies have sensitive digestive systems, it is important for pregnant women not to eat these fruits during pregnancy. The information in this article will educate you on which fruits are not safe.

Besides these fruits, there are plenty of other fruits available. So, if you are worried that your babies will be harmed by consuming some of the recommended fruits. Don’t get scared and just enjoy eating fruits but avoid the ones that we mentioned above.





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