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Want Healthy Glowing Skin? Then Try These 5 Amazing Drinks

5 Amazing Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin Do you have healthy and glowing skin ? Do you want to achieve healthy and glowing skin? Then include these morning drinks in your daily routine and see the difference in no time. These pre-breakfast beverages will make your skin soft and shiny even before you leave the house! Here Are The Top 5 Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin 1. Coconut Water Coconut water is known as “nature’s purest liquid,” and its benefits are countless. Coconut water is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, and phosphorus which are essential for skin health. Drinking it regularly helps hydrate your body and contributes to healthy and glowing skin. You can even apply some coconut water onto your face and neck and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Do this twice every day to get clear and glowing skin. The vitamins and minerals present in coconut water maintain the elasticity of your skin, fight wrinkles, reduce c

What Are The Benefits Of Rose Water?

What Are The Benefits Of Rose Water?
What Are The Benefits Of Rose Water?

Rose water is the name given to a distillate of rose petals. Rose water has been in use since ancient times, when it was extracted by distillation in Middle East and Persia. Rose water was introduced to Europe through trade with the Arabs, and was also used extensively by Arab women. Its popularity in beauty products also grew during the Victorian era when women would use it refresh their complexion, as well as clean and freshen their homes.

I know what you’re thinking… What are the benefits of Rose Water? We will discuss all the benefits and some best ways to use them. By the end of this post, you will understand everything about rose water and how it can help to add a new element to your overall beauty routine.

Table Of Contents

What is Rose Water?

Rosewater is a “magic potion” and has been used for many years in different cultures for its skincare properties, as well as in culinary endeavors.

Rosewater is an aromatic distillate of rose petals. Often used as a mild astringent in skin and hair care products, rose water is typically made from steam distillation of organic rose petals. The resulting liquid is translucent with a pale yellow color similar to that of plain water and has a slightly sweet scent.

Dried rosebuds and petals are sometimes added to the mixture for a stronger fragrance, although their use is not necessary for producing rose water. However, you can add them if you wish to create a more potent product.

Rose Water Has A Lot Of Scientifically Proven Benefits, Here Are A Few

Rosewater has been used for hundreds of years in many parts of the world, both as a culinary ingredient and as an essential part of skincare. Rosewater is used in many Middle Eastern and Asian countries, where it is used in both sweet and savory dishes. Rosewater is also an important ingredient in many recipes for bath products and homemade beauty products, such as lotions, toners, and facial masks.

1. Internally, rose water has been used for centuries to help with digestion and is said to have a calming effect on the stomach. It is also useful in reducing inflammation of the stomach lining and helps relieve heartburn. It may also reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

2. Rosewater is an excellent choice for anyone with sensitive skin, especially if they are acne-prone or find that other toners are irritating. 

3. Rosewater has anti-inflammatory properties, making it perfect for any type of skin and any time of year. You can use it as often as you like since it's extremely gentle on the skin.

4. Rosewater can help reduce inflammation and redness, as well as control oil production to keep your complexion looking clear and smooth. 

5. The antioxidants that are present in the rosewater extract helps to prevent premature aging of the skin by protecting it from harmful UV rays. Also, it gives your skin a beautiful glow.

6. Rosewater makes a wonderful facial mist throughout the day to moisturize your face and keep your makeup from settling into fine lines.

7. Some people find that applying the fragrant solution to tired eyes helps reduce swelling and redness. 

8. A few drops of rose water added to your bath water can help soothe dry skin and improve circulation.

9. If you suffer from sunburn, place some rose water at the location where you noticed it and in a couple of minutes, you will realize that it has helped soothe your sunburnt skin.

10. Rosewater is also good for hair care. It makes your hair shiny and soft and it restores its natural shine. It is great for removing dandruff, as well.

11. Rosewater can be used as an aftershave lotion because of its cooling effect on the face after shaving.

12. In aromatherapy, rose water is used to improve the overall mood  and health of a person. The essential oils of rose petals contain various compounds that can make a person feel relaxed and refreshed.

13. A few drops of rose water mixed with olive oil can be applied to minor cuts, abrasions, or burns to relieve pain and speed up healing time.

14. It is believed that placing rose water-soaked cotton balls in closed areas like cupboards, wardrobes, etc keeps away pests like moths from clothes made of wool/cotton, etc. You can place these cotton balls in shoes to help with foot odor, spray on counters to keep them clean and smelling fresh.

15. Rose Water has antibacterial properties (possible alternative to hand sanitizers) 

How To Make Rose Water At Home?

Rose Water is a popular ingredient in traditional skincare recipes. It can be used as a toner or to create facial mists and fragrant body sprays. Rose Water is an infusion of rose petals in distilled water and can be made at home.

Benefits Of Rose Water

Method 1

Making rose water at home is very easy and there are no exact measurements of ingredients required, so it can be made according to your taste. All you need is fresh petals of roses, distilled water, and a strainer or a fine cotton cloth.

Clean the rose petals with water, pat dry with paper towels, then place them in a clean glass container (mason jar) – half-filled with distilled water. Make sure that the water covers the petals completely, then close the lid tightly and let it sit at room temperature for about 6 hours. Then strain out the petals with a sieve or a fine cotton cloth, Squeeze all of the liquid out from the petals into the glass container. Discard the petals and keep the rose water for use.

Method 2 

To make your rose water, you will need:

·         A bunch of fresh organics rose petals

·         A large saucepan

·         Distilled water

·         A strainer

·         Bowls for storage

·         Glass bottles for storage

The process is quite simple:

First, you will want to clean the petals, you can do this by placing them in a bowl of cold water, leaving them there for about 10 minutes. This will help remove some impurities from your petals. Then you can drain them from the water and set them aside. 

Now take about 1 cup of water in a pan and add the cleaned petals. Keep the pan on flame for about 30 minutes to an hour. Stir occasionally so that the rose petals are well soaked in the water for about 30 minutes to an hour. After 30 minutes, you will find that most of the rose petals have become soft and some are even mushy. If any hard pieces are left, remove them from the water. Strain the solution through a fine muslin cloth or cheesecloth so that all the extra solids are removed. The strained solution is what we call rose water. Transfer it into a bottle or jar and keep it in a refrigerator as it can be used later on in recipes such as ice cream, cakes, etc.


Rosewater is a type of hydrosol and can be made by distilling rose petals. It may help to soothe skin irritations and calm the body and is often used in creams to treat dry or irritated skin. This article lists some simple steps you can take at home to make your rose water.



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