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Want Healthy Glowing Skin? Then Try These 5 Amazing Drinks

5 Amazing Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin Do you have healthy and glowing skin ? Do you want to achieve healthy and glowing skin? Then include these morning drinks in your daily routine and see the difference in no time. These pre-breakfast beverages will make your skin soft and shiny even before you leave the house! Here Are The Top 5 Drinks For Healthy Glowing Skin 1. Coconut Water Coconut water is known as “nature’s purest liquid,” and its benefits are countless. Coconut water is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, and phosphorus which are essential for skin health. Drinking it regularly helps hydrate your body and contributes to healthy and glowing skin. You can even apply some coconut water onto your face and neck and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Do this twice every day to get clear and glowing skin. The vitamins and minerals present in coconut water maintain the elasticity of your skin, fight wrinkles, reduce c

The Top 12 Brain-Boosting Foods That Improve Memory and Concentration

Foods That Improve Memory and Concentration

Foods That Improve Memory and Concentration

You already know that what you eat has an impact on your body, but what you eat also has an impact on your mood, mental energy, memory, and even your capacity to deal with stress, complex problems, and easy daily tasks! 

Despite the fact that your brain only accounts for 2% of your total body weight, it consumes 20% of the calories you ingest! The more nutrients you consume, the sharper your mind becomes. So, if you want to be naturally smart, consume a lot of "Brain-Boosting Foods" listed below.

1. Legumes 

Legume is a fantastic source of complex carbs. These complex carbs are also blended with fiber, which slows absorption and ensures a consistent supply of glucose to the brain without the risk of sugar spikes that many other sugar sources carry. Legumes are particularly high in folate, a B vitamin that is essential for brain health. 

2. Mint 

Mint is an excellent source of vitamins A and C. Vitamin A has been shown to improve learning abilities and brain plasticity, while vitamin C has been shown to protect against cognitive decline. Even the smell of mint has been shown to improve brain function by increasing attentiveness and memory, according to research. It also aids in the development of fundamental clerical skills such as typing and memorizing. 

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is not only a superfood for the entire body, but it's also one of the best foods for improving memory and brain capacity. Calcium, vitamin C, B vitamins, beta-carotene, iron, fiber, and vitamin K are all abundant in it. These nutrients fight free radicals, keep blood flowing properly, and eliminate heavy metals that can harm the brain. The potassium in broccoli benefits the neurological system, which in turn benefits the brain. Broccoli may also aid in the recovery of the brain in the event of an accident, according to research. That's a lot of strength for a vegetable, and it doesn't just apply to broccoli; it also applies to the cruciferous vegetable family, which includes cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. 

4. Beets 

Adding extra beets to your diet is one of the easiest methods to boost your brain capacity organically. They are high in nitrates, which aid in the increase of blood flow to areas of the brain associated with executive function. Beets are also high in vitamin B9, which can help with cognitive function and dementia prevention. Beets are also high in carotenoids, which can aid improve brain function and preventing depression. 

5. Seeds 

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds, in particular, are excellent for the brain! Protein, omega fatty acids, and B vitamins are all abundant in them. Tryptophan is also present in these seeds. These seeds also contain tryptophan, a substance that the brain converts to serotonin to improve mood and fight sadness. A handful of seeds every day can supply you with your daily necessary amount of zinc, which can help you improve your memory and cognitive skills. Seeds that have been soaked and sprouted are much better

6. Nuts 

Walnuts and almonds, in particular, are among the top brain-boosting foods in the world, as well as being highly healthy for the nervous system. Nuts are high in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, vitamin B6, and vitamin E, which have been shown to boost cognitive capacity and protect the brain from free radicals, preventing many forms of dementia. It's worth noting that nuts contain anti-nutrients like phytic acid, so soaking them overnight before eating them is far better


Brain-Boosting Foods

7. Quinoa 

Quinoa is a great source of complex carbs and fiber, which help to keep blood sugar in check while still giving the brain the glucose it needs. Quinoa also contains iron, which helps to keep the blood oxygenated, as well as B vitamins, which help to balance mood and protect blood vessels. It's also gluten-free for individuals who are allergic to gluten. Quinoa, like other seeds, grains, and nuts, needs to be soaked overnight before being cooked. 

8. Avocado 

Avocados are a great source of mono-unsaturated fats, omega 3 fatty acids, and omega 6 fatty acids, which are all vital for brain function. These aid in the absorption of antioxidants by increasing blood flow to the brain, lowering cholesterol, and increasing blood flow to the brain. Avocados include a variety of antioxidants, including vitamin E, which protect the body and brain from free radical damage. They're also high in potassium and vitamin K, which help protect the brain against stroke. 

9. Blueberries 

These berries are antioxidant powerhouses, protecting the brain from oxidative damage and stress, which can lead to Alzheimer's, dementia, and premature aging. Blueberries' flavonoids also increase neuron transmission, resulting in better memory, learning, and cognitive processes such as reasoning, decision-making, verbal understanding, and numerical abilities. 

10. Coconut Oil 

Coconut oil includes medium-chain triglycerides, which the body uses for energy whereas glucose is used by the brain. It also appears to lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. And anything good for the heart and circulation is good for the brain as well! Coconut oil is also anti-inflammatory and has been linked to Alzheimer's and dementia prevention

11. Bananas

Bananas are known to turn your frown upside down they're high in vitamin b6 which helps to create feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin and one large banana provides 16 grams of sugar and 3.5 grams of fiber and when it's paired with any kind of fiber the sugar that is released slowly in your bloodstream allows for a stable blood sugar level and a better mood control.

12. Coffee

Coffee is the world's most popular drink and it may make the world a bit happier too. Caffeine and Coffee prevents the brain to release adenosine compounds that cause tiredness and dullness moreover coffee helps to increase the release of mood-boosting neurotransmitters that helps in uplifting your mood instantly.

While no single brain food may totally prevent you from age-related problems, paying attention to what you eat increases your chances of acquiring all the nutrients you need for cognitive health. 

These 12 Brain-Boosting Foods should be included in a healthy, balanced diet to maintain your memory, concentration, and focus as sharp as possible.



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